Saturday, July 16, 2016

Typography: A How-To

They say that those who can not do, teach. Well, in my case, I blog
Original Art work by CSG
since I am not an artist. I am merely a lover of all things related to art. I decided to showcase the art of a talented young lady, my daughter. She is currently working on learning typography, which is closely related to the various fonts used in street art. 

Today she will be showing us how to do a simple typography lettering project. Below is a time-lapse video of the finished project and the step by step process.

Note: You can use any wide tip marker. Crayola classic markers are preferred. 


Step 1 : A thick up-stroke starting from the bottom of the left leg of the letter H. The thick line can be made using the flat sides of the marker. This transitions into a thinner down-stroke curve. The thin line can be made using the tip of the marker.

Step 2 : Going from a little below the loop of the left leg, a thin up-stroke then a thicker down-stroke. Now you have your first letter!

Step 3 : Next is the letter E. To start, make a thin up stroke. This will connect your H to your E.

Step 4 : Make a thick loop from the end of your first line. It is okay if the two are disconnected, the thick down-stroke later will fix this. 

Step 5 : Continue the thick down-stroke from the loop you just made. As you finish off the loop, apply less pressure to the marker to get a thinner line. Now you have your letter E.

Step 6: Similar to the letter E, create a thin up-stroke line first to connect letters. 

Step 7 : The letter L is really similar to the letter E in the way it loops. The only difference is the the loop for the L is longer. Since this is the case, you can repeat steps 3 and 4 but with a longer loop. 

 Step 8 : Repeat this a second time for your second L in Hello. 

 Step 9 : The final letter, letter O. Start with a thick down-stroke, applying less pressure as you get to the right side. 

Step 10 : Keep the thin line going until you reach the loop at the top. From the top of the loop, make a thick down stroke and finish off the letter. 

Step 11 : Add details as you'd like. Add a thick line at the bottom as a simple detail too if you'd like. This is the finished piece.

Thanks to my very special guest for doing this awesome how-to project.

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